I hope you enjoyed our special guest commentators from the last point! Currently, we're on vacation in California and were hoping to get more guest commentators... but since we're falling behind (again), we've decided to move on.
Last post's results: Aramis beats Odysseus 6-2; and Edgar shuts out Sulemon 8-0.
The next match up is:
From the BIBLICAL region: 3 Titus vs 14 Elijah
From the VANILLA region: 3 Graham vs 14 Cameron
Siobhan: Let's see... I will start with the easier match up. I am not a fan of Cameron because it reminds me of Kirk Cameron, James Cameron and Cameron Diaz. Graham sounds better and I love graham crackers. heheheh.... As for the Biblical match up, it's a tough decision because both were great prophets that stood up to what they believed in. They were given a task and fulfilled the task as asked. I believe that both names are unique in their different ways.
Gar: Well, let me the voice of reason and say that our son probably shouldn't be named Titus because the other boys at school will take the first 3 letters of his name and tease him relentlessly. Plus, Elijah is probably the more well-known of the two and a great prophet. As for the other match-up, I guess I'll have to agree with you say that Graham is better than Cameron. I looked up the meaning of Cameron and it's Scottish for "crooked nose". Ugh!
Siobhan: Wow, we agree that we like Graham over Cameron. That doesn't happen often. =) Yes, Titus could have a bad nickname if shortened incorrectly, but that shouldn't be the only deciding factor of choosing a name. With your logic that Elijah is the more well-known name in the Bible, then there will probably be more children named Elijah. We already have a common last name. Let's not put the common prophet with the common last name.
Gar: So what are you saying? Vote for Titus because Elijah is more well known? Pshhht. Yes, there are probably more kids out there named Elijah than Titus, but I don't known any "Elijah Chan" so I think it's safe to say it's still a candidate. Go Elijah!
EDIT: Voting is now closed!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
6 Odysseus vs 11 Aramis; 6 Edgar vs 11 Sulemon
This week, we have a special treat... surprise commentators! Siobhan's brother Dustin and his wife Valene will be posting their thoughts for your voting pleasure.
Update: Elias defeated Solomon 6-3. Inman beats Marion 5-2. Crispin defeated Pablo 9-4. Gustavo annihiliated Garvey 11-2.
From the HISTORICAL / LITERARY region: 6 Odysseus vs 11 Aramis
From the INTERNATIONAL region: 6 Edgar vs 11 Sulemon
Dustin: Odysseus is the name of the man from Homer's epic "The Odyssey", a man who just wanted to go home. I'm afraid if Baby Chan is named Odysseus, his innate desire to just want to go home will lead to him sneaking out of his 6th grade science camp, attempt to make the dangerous trek home, meet a Cyclops, fall in love with a siren, or maybe even encounter a lanky vampire or steroidal werewolf in the deep forests of Washington. I can't take that risk with my nephew. Aramis is both a Chicago Cubs 3rd baseman (awesome) and a musketeer (even awesomer). As for the Edgar/Sulemon matchup, Sulemon is the last name of the notorious Octomom. My nephew will not be no crazy Octodad (Dr. Octopus will still be fine for Halloween). EDGAR stands for Electronic Data-Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system. Sounds smart.
Valene: The name Odysseus might make for some interesting adventures, but "there's no place like home" right? There are much worse things than a child wanting to go home. "Aramis Chan" just doesn't roll off the tongue too well. I agree Dustin, Sulemon is not my pick for Baby Chan. Since many of us are concerned with the kid being made fun of for his name how will being called "Sue Lemon" make him feel? Edgar does sound smart, and like Edgar Allan Poe maybe he'll be very purposeful with his words.
Dustin: I agree that "There's no place like home", but there's no Dorothy, Elphaba, nor Ga-linda in this bracket. We argue about how Baby Chan may be made fun of because of his name, but what about the wimpiness of being homesick? If he were named Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, he would still get made fun of regardless of his name. Well, we are very much in agreement with Edgar. Though the name does bring up sad memories of Edgar Stiles from "24" dying in a nerve gas attack in CTU in front of Chloe, the woman he had a crush on.
Valene: There is nothing wrong with liking to be at home. Would you rather him be a party-hopping teenager that breaks his curfew night after night? And I'm not worried about our nephew becoming a wimp - he's got Garrett to teach him about knives, guns, ninjas and everything anti-wimp.
Shiv:Well done guest commentators. You can now experience our posting rituals and how tiring it could be when there might not be something to say. Stay tuned for another post. Happy voting!
EDIT: Voting is now closed.
Update: Elias defeated Solomon 6-3. Inman beats Marion 5-2. Crispin defeated Pablo 9-4. Gustavo annihiliated Garvey 11-2.
From the HISTORICAL / LITERARY region: 6 Odysseus vs 11 Aramis
From the INTERNATIONAL region: 6 Edgar vs 11 Sulemon
Dustin: Odysseus is the name of the man from Homer's epic "The Odyssey", a man who just wanted to go home. I'm afraid if Baby Chan is named Odysseus, his innate desire to just want to go home will lead to him sneaking out of his 6th grade science camp, attempt to make the dangerous trek home, meet a Cyclops, fall in love with a siren, or maybe even encounter a lanky vampire or steroidal werewolf in the deep forests of Washington. I can't take that risk with my nephew. Aramis is both a Chicago Cubs 3rd baseman (awesome) and a musketeer (even awesomer). As for the Edgar/Sulemon matchup, Sulemon is the last name of the notorious Octomom. My nephew will not be no crazy Octodad (Dr. Octopus will still be fine for Halloween). EDGAR stands for Electronic Data-Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system. Sounds smart.
Valene: The name Odysseus might make for some interesting adventures, but "there's no place like home" right? There are much worse things than a child wanting to go home. "Aramis Chan" just doesn't roll off the tongue too well. I agree Dustin, Sulemon is not my pick for Baby Chan. Since many of us are concerned with the kid being made fun of for his name how will being called "Sue Lemon" make him feel? Edgar does sound smart, and like Edgar Allan Poe maybe he'll be very purposeful with his words.
Dustin: I agree that "There's no place like home", but there's no Dorothy, Elphaba, nor Ga-linda in this bracket. We argue about how Baby Chan may be made fun of because of his name, but what about the wimpiness of being homesick? If he were named Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, he would still get made fun of regardless of his name. Well, we are very much in agreement with Edgar. Though the name does bring up sad memories of Edgar Stiles from "24" dying in a nerve gas attack in CTU in front of Chloe, the woman he had a crush on.
Valene: There is nothing wrong with liking to be at home. Would you rather him be a party-hopping teenager that breaks his curfew night after night? And I'm not worried about our nephew becoming a wimp - he's got Garrett to teach him about knives, guns, ninjas and everything anti-wimp.
Shiv:Well done guest commentators. You can now experience our posting rituals and how tiring it could be when there might not be something to say. Stay tuned for another post. Happy voting!
EDIT: Voting is now closed.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
6 Elias vs 11 Solomon; 6 Marion vs 11 Inman
The name bracket marches on with another post... hurray! (Did you already vote on the other post?)
More match ups:
From the BIBLICAL region, 6 Elias vs 11 Solomon.
From the VANILLA region, 6 Marion vs 11 Inman.
Gar: There's some interesting match-ups in this group... maybe it's time for some upsets? I like both Elias and Solomon, but I'll have to go with Solomon. Solomon was the 2nd king of Israel, David's son, and the wisest man who ever lived. He's credited with writing several books of the Bible, including Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (duh), and many of the verses of Proverbs. As for Marion and Inman, Marion sounds too ambiguous for me (too close to Mariam), as it derives from the name "Mary". My pick is Inman, which is also a literary reference to the American novel Cold Mountain (also made into a movie). In the story, Inman is a Confederate soldier during the Civil War, who deserts the army and bravely struggles to return home to see the woman he loves, Ada. It's also the story how a single man, in the face of the inhumanity of war, still clings to his beliefs in right and wrong despite the situations he finds himself in on his journey back home.
Siobhan: As for the vanilla match up, I would have to agree with Garrett's assessment of Inman. It's a great character from the book Cold Mountain. It was one of the closest adaptations from novel to screenplay that I have seen. His journey unveiled his true nature, and that he will follow through with his promises that he made. Plus, Marion reminds me of Marion Ross, the mom from Happy Days. Elias is a Greek form of Elijah, the Lord is my God. I have to go with Elias because we already know a Solomon Chan. =)
Gar: Yes, we do know a Solomon, but he's a good guy and I'm sure he would agree with me that "Solomon" is a great name! Besides, Baby Chan can go by any of these cool nicknames: Sol, Mon, or my favorite... CHAN SOLO! Elias is an OK name, but the only nicknames kids will be calling will be "Eli" (that's OK) or a word that rhymes with "gas" that means donkey or butt.

Siobhan: Garrett didn't like that I was peering over his shoulder while he was writing his response. hehehehe.... Chan Solo! I am not sure that nickname will stick. Yes, Solomon is a great guy but I thought we were looking for originality. Elias could have negative nicknames but any name could have bad nicknames. I have nothing more to say than vote for Elias! Woohoo!
EDIT: Voting is now closed!
More match ups:
From the BIBLICAL region, 6 Elias vs 11 Solomon.
From the VANILLA region, 6 Marion vs 11 Inman.
Gar: There's some interesting match-ups in this group... maybe it's time for some upsets? I like both Elias and Solomon, but I'll have to go with Solomon. Solomon was the 2nd king of Israel, David's son, and the wisest man who ever lived. He's credited with writing several books of the Bible, including Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (duh), and many of the verses of Proverbs. As for Marion and Inman, Marion sounds too ambiguous for me (too close to Mariam), as it derives from the name "Mary". My pick is Inman, which is also a literary reference to the American novel Cold Mountain (also made into a movie). In the story, Inman is a Confederate soldier during the Civil War, who deserts the army and bravely struggles to return home to see the woman he loves, Ada. It's also the story how a single man, in the face of the inhumanity of war, still clings to his beliefs in right and wrong despite the situations he finds himself in on his journey back home.
Siobhan: As for the vanilla match up, I would have to agree with Garrett's assessment of Inman. It's a great character from the book Cold Mountain. It was one of the closest adaptations from novel to screenplay that I have seen. His journey unveiled his true nature, and that he will follow through with his promises that he made. Plus, Marion reminds me of Marion Ross, the mom from Happy Days. Elias is a Greek form of Elijah, the Lord is my God. I have to go with Elias because we already know a Solomon Chan. =)
Gar: Yes, we do know a Solomon, but he's a good guy and I'm sure he would agree with me that "Solomon" is a great name! Besides, Baby Chan can go by any of these cool nicknames: Sol, Mon, or my favorite... CHAN SOLO! Elias is an OK name, but the only nicknames kids will be calling will be "Eli" (that's OK) or a word that rhymes with "gas" that means donkey or butt.

Siobhan: Garrett didn't like that I was peering over his shoulder while he was writing his response. hehehehe.... Chan Solo! I am not sure that nickname will stick. Yes, Solomon is a great guy but I thought we were looking for originality. Elias could have negative nicknames but any name could have bad nicknames. I have nothing more to say than vote for Elias! Woohoo!
EDIT: Voting is now closed!
4 Pablo vs 13 Crispin; 4 Gustavo vs 13 Garvey
Thanks to everybody for voting on our last two name bracket posts!
Ulysses edged out D'Artagnan 8-6, while Tiago defeated Finn 10-4.
Asher barely overcame Azariah 8-7, while in our first TIE ever, Emerson and Landon went 8-8. The overtime ruling by referee (Garrett's sister, Ginger) however is for Landon! Guess Garrett's pick loses...
Our new match-up is:
From the HISTORICAL region, 4 Pablo vs 13 Crispin.
From the INTERNATIONAL region, 4 Gustavo vs 13 Garvey.
Siobhan: Pablo is from the poet Pablo Neruda, a Chilean poet. I first heard his poetry when I watched the movie, Il Postino. He helped a postman write his feelings in poems for a young lady in the movie. "I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way." As for the next match up, I have always liked watching the Muppets and Sesame Street. It amazed me to see puppets moving and talking. I just read that Kermit the frog is usually renamed in other parts of the world. Guess what his name is in Spain? That is right, Gustavo! Woohoo, go Gustavo!
Gar: Crispin comes from the name of a 3rd century Christian saint who was eventually martyred for his faith. The name is also famous because of Shakespeare's Henry V play, with Henry V's noble speech before battle:
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother
Garvey is a reference to Marcus Garvey, the Black nationalist and Pan-African movement advocate. He was also a powerful speaker and fought the recognition of the humanity of African Americans in face of the blatant Western colonialism of his era. Check out a recording of one his speeches. One of his quotes: No race has the last word on culture or civilization and Liberate the minds of men, and ultimately, you will liberate the bodies of men.
Siobhan: Garvey sounds too similar to Harvey. I am not sure if the name pulls through this match up that it will be strong enough for the future match up. Who doesn't like Kermit the frog? As for Crispin, I am reminded of the children's chapter book, Crispin by Avi. A boy who doesn't know where he comes from searches for his true identity and heritage. Hmmm... not the storyline I would want for our son.
Gar: Well, Crispin is actually a great book from the perspective that the main character learns his Christian name is Crispin and goes on a classic adventure of self-discovery while helping others around him, the poor peasants of feudal England. And why worry about a future match-up? Let's finish this match-up first!
EDIT: Voting is now closed!
Ulysses edged out D'Artagnan 8-6, while Tiago defeated Finn 10-4.
Asher barely overcame Azariah 8-7, while in our first TIE ever, Emerson and Landon went 8-8. The overtime ruling by referee (Garrett's sister, Ginger) however is for Landon! Guess Garrett's pick loses...
Our new match-up is:
From the HISTORICAL region, 4 Pablo vs 13 Crispin.
From the INTERNATIONAL region, 4 Gustavo vs 13 Garvey.
Siobhan: Pablo is from the poet Pablo Neruda, a Chilean poet. I first heard his poetry when I watched the movie, Il Postino. He helped a postman write his feelings in poems for a young lady in the movie. "I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way." As for the next match up, I have always liked watching the Muppets and Sesame Street. It amazed me to see puppets moving and talking. I just read that Kermit the frog is usually renamed in other parts of the world. Guess what his name is in Spain? That is right, Gustavo! Woohoo, go Gustavo!
Gar: Crispin comes from the name of a 3rd century Christian saint who was eventually martyred for his faith. The name is also famous because of Shakespeare's Henry V play, with Henry V's noble speech before battle:
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother
Garvey is a reference to Marcus Garvey, the Black nationalist and Pan-African movement advocate. He was also a powerful speaker and fought the recognition of the humanity of African Americans in face of the blatant Western colonialism of his era. Check out a recording of one his speeches. One of his quotes: No race has the last word on culture or civilization and Liberate the minds of men, and ultimately, you will liberate the bodies of men.
Siobhan: Garvey sounds too similar to Harvey. I am not sure if the name pulls through this match up that it will be strong enough for the future match up. Who doesn't like Kermit the frog? As for Crispin, I am reminded of the children's chapter book, Crispin by Avi. A boy who doesn't know where he comes from searches for his true identity and heritage. Hmmm... not the storyline I would want for our son.
Gar: Well, Crispin is actually a great book from the perspective that the main character learns his Christian name is Crispin and goes on a classic adventure of self-discovery while helping others around him, the poor peasants of feudal England. And why worry about a future match-up? Let's finish this match-up first!
EDIT: Voting is now closed!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
4 Azariah vs 13 Asher; 4 Emerson vs 13 Landon
A double name post... hurray! If you haven't already, please vote on Ulysses vs D'Artagnan / Tiago vs Finn.
This match-up is:
From the BIBLICAL region, 4 Azariah vs 13 Asher.
From the VANILLA region, 4 Emerson vs 13 Landon.
Gar: Another tough round with some good names, but for these two match-ups, I'm going to go with the favored seeds. Azariah was the name of a prophet in the Old Testament, but it was also the original name of "Abednego" one of the 3 young men thrown in the fiery furnace for standing up for their faith and culture during the Jewish exile in Babylon. The name Azariah means "God's Help". I hope our son will be person of faith and proud of his heritage, spiritual and ethnic. Emerson makes me think of Ralph Waldo Emerson, the famous American author and philosopher. Besides being a talented writer, he was also known for his strong moral convictions, including being abolitionist (anti-slavery) when in 19th century America, slavery was still legal. It goes without saying that if Baby Chan becomes an awesome writer and a man of strong moral convictions, I'll be very happy!
Siobhan: Tough match ups, but Asher is a great name to upset Azariah. Asher means happiness and I would hope that our son should be destined for happiness in his future. The literary match ups seems to have the most discussion. Emerson makes me think of a friend's last name. Landon is from the book, A Walk to Remember, by Nicholas Sparks. Landon helped a young lady achieve her goals in life and in the end he found true peace that only God could bring.
Gar: Happiness is definitely something I hope Baby Chan will find, but I think he'll need God's Help to find it. Sorry, Asher. =) Yes, Emerson is a person's last name, but I believe that Ralph Waldo Emerson to be a far more impressive person than just some character from a Nicholas Sparks book. He was very intelligent, and is quoted, "All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen." and "Before we acquire great power we must acquire wisdom to use it well." and "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Siobhan: Landon is an original character that goes deeper than the representations of Nicholas Sparks' books into movies of formulaic character development. Landon, a boy from a single-parent home who doesn't have direction in life, finds it through his friendship with Jamie, the preacher's daughter. He struggled to find a way to cope with Jamie's leukemia by offering her what the world could offer. Landon knew in his heart that there was something more to the world than just happiness and material goods. "My heart was telling me exactly the same thing. I turned to the Bible again, in the hope that it would guide me." "Eventually I came across a passage. The words made me choke up again and just as I was about to cry, the meaning of it suddenly became clear. God had finally answered me and I suddenly knew what to do."
EDIT: Thanks for voting everyone! Voting is now closed.
This match-up is:
From the BIBLICAL region, 4 Azariah vs 13 Asher.
From the VANILLA region, 4 Emerson vs 13 Landon.
Gar: Another tough round with some good names, but for these two match-ups, I'm going to go with the favored seeds. Azariah was the name of a prophet in the Old Testament, but it was also the original name of "Abednego" one of the 3 young men thrown in the fiery furnace for standing up for their faith and culture during the Jewish exile in Babylon. The name Azariah means "God's Help". I hope our son will be person of faith and proud of his heritage, spiritual and ethnic. Emerson makes me think of Ralph Waldo Emerson, the famous American author and philosopher. Besides being a talented writer, he was also known for his strong moral convictions, including being abolitionist (anti-slavery) when in 19th century America, slavery was still legal. It goes without saying that if Baby Chan becomes an awesome writer and a man of strong moral convictions, I'll be very happy!
Siobhan: Tough match ups, but Asher is a great name to upset Azariah. Asher means happiness and I would hope that our son should be destined for happiness in his future. The literary match ups seems to have the most discussion. Emerson makes me think of a friend's last name. Landon is from the book, A Walk to Remember, by Nicholas Sparks. Landon helped a young lady achieve her goals in life and in the end he found true peace that only God could bring.
Gar: Happiness is definitely something I hope Baby Chan will find, but I think he'll need God's Help to find it. Sorry, Asher. =) Yes, Emerson is a person's last name, but I believe that Ralph Waldo Emerson to be a far more impressive person than just some character from a Nicholas Sparks book. He was very intelligent, and is quoted, "All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen." and "Before we acquire great power we must acquire wisdom to use it well." and "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Siobhan: Landon is an original character that goes deeper than the representations of Nicholas Sparks' books into movies of formulaic character development. Landon, a boy from a single-parent home who doesn't have direction in life, finds it through his friendship with Jamie, the preacher's daughter. He struggled to find a way to cope with Jamie's leukemia by offering her what the world could offer. Landon knew in his heart that there was something more to the world than just happiness and material goods. "My heart was telling me exactly the same thing. I turned to the Bible again, in the hope that it would guide me." "Eventually I came across a passage. The words made me choke up again and just as I was about to cry, the meaning of it suddenly became clear. God had finally answered me and I suddenly knew what to do."
EDIT: Thanks for voting everyone! Voting is now closed.
5 Ulysses vs 12 D'Artagnan; 5 Tiago vs 12 Finn
Thanks for voting on our last post! Keep on the lookout for many more future posts. Since we are on summer break now, we are hoping to post more often, maybe even every other day. =)
Hezekiah wins 6-3 and Cooper wins 6-4. Onto the next match ups!!!
Siobhan: My favorite book in middle school and high school was the Three Musketeers. I loved the plot and the friendship among the musketeers, maybe because it reminds me of my siblings. So of the musketeer names, D'Artagnan seemed the best match with Chan. As for the next match-up, we were filling out the bracket and noticed that we had a slot open in international and we forgot to add Finn. Yes, we know that Finn doesn't fit in international, we still liked it, but when you put it with Chan, Finn Chan. It doesn't work as well. The monosyllabic first name just doesn't sound right with a monosyllabic last name.
Gar: I think I'm going to pick Finn for the upset, here. I'm surprised you didn't like the Glee reference? If we're going to talk about names with a literary references, Finn is an obvious reference to the Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, one of the 3 great books in American history. Tiago is the Portugese form of James, but everybody going to mess up the pronunciation of the name (CHEE-a-goh is the correct way of saying it). As for D'Artagnan... I'm not a fan of names with apostrophes or the French. Sorry, musketeer... my vote is for Ulysses!
Siobhan: I do like Glee, but I am just stating a fact about monosyllabic last names. Just something to think about when casting your vote. Using Google search, I found two young lads: one who has the name Tiago Chan and the other Ulysses Chan. One has many Latin friends and the other has Asian friends. One likes Magic, the Gathering while the other one wears a hooded sweatshirt while hiding his face. Hmmm... I am still all for D'Artagnan. There seems to not be a D'Artagnan Chan at this moment and maybe our son will make be the model of all D'Artagnan Chans that follow.
Gar: Are you talking about this Tiago Chan? I don't care if our son plays Magic or wears a hoody, I just don't like Tiago. As for D'Artagnan Chan... doesn't that rhyme? I think rhyming names are worst than monosyllabic names. Pshhht. ;)
EDIT: Voting is now closed. Thanks for voting everyone!
Hezekiah wins 6-3 and Cooper wins 6-4. Onto the next match ups!!!
Siobhan: My favorite book in middle school and high school was the Three Musketeers. I loved the plot and the friendship among the musketeers, maybe because it reminds me of my siblings. So of the musketeer names, D'Artagnan seemed the best match with Chan. As for the next match-up, we were filling out the bracket and noticed that we had a slot open in international and we forgot to add Finn. Yes, we know that Finn doesn't fit in international, we still liked it, but when you put it with Chan, Finn Chan. It doesn't work as well. The monosyllabic first name just doesn't sound right with a monosyllabic last name.
Gar: I think I'm going to pick Finn for the upset, here. I'm surprised you didn't like the Glee reference? If we're going to talk about names with a literary references, Finn is an obvious reference to the Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, one of the 3 great books in American history. Tiago is the Portugese form of James, but everybody going to mess up the pronunciation of the name (CHEE-a-goh is the correct way of saying it). As for D'Artagnan... I'm not a fan of names with apostrophes or the French. Sorry, musketeer... my vote is for Ulysses!
Siobhan: I do like Glee, but I am just stating a fact about monosyllabic last names. Just something to think about when casting your vote. Using Google search, I found two young lads: one who has the name Tiago Chan and the other Ulysses Chan. One has many Latin friends and the other has Asian friends. One likes Magic, the Gathering while the other one wears a hooded sweatshirt while hiding his face. Hmmm... I am still all for D'Artagnan. There seems to not be a D'Artagnan Chan at this moment and maybe our son will make be the model of all D'Artagnan Chans that follow.
Gar: Are you talking about this Tiago Chan? I don't care if our son plays Magic or wears a hoody, I just don't like Tiago. As for D'Artagnan Chan... doesn't that rhyme? I think rhyming names are worst than monosyllabic names. Pshhht. ;)
EDIT: Voting is now closed. Thanks for voting everyone!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
5 Hezekiah vs 12 Andrew; 5 Pharrell vs 12 Cooper
Well, the votes are in... Kheiron beats Dante 7-4, and Mateo whoops Azul 9-2.
This week's match-ups are:
From the BIBLICAL region, 5 Hezekiah vs 12 Andrew.
From the VANILLA region, 5 Pharrell vs 12 Cooper
Gar: This week's match-ups are easy picks for me. While I do like the name Andrew (the name of one Jesus' disciples), I think it's way too common for Baby Chan. Hezekiah is much more original, and has a lot of good points - in the Bible, Hezekiah was one of the only "good kings", a strong leader who restored the people's faith. There's also a gospel singer I like named Hezekiah Walker. As for Pharrell versus Cooper, my pick is for Pharrell. Not only is Pharrell one-half of the super-producer duo The Neptunes (I'm a fan), "Cooper" to me is just another last name turned into a first name. Plus, the origin of the name isn't that good - a "cooper" was someone who made barrels for a living. Not exactly the future career I had in mind for my son...
Siobhan: My brother and sister went to high school when I was going to college. An ongoing joke is that they have an imaginary older sister who comes out during the holidays, aka a paid actress. To honor this ongoing joke, let's continue by naming our firstborn son after the friend, Andrew. As for the second match up, Cooper was suggested by a cousin. The initials for our son would then be C.C. which just so happens to be my nickname growing up. I also like the name from the television show, Hangin' with Mr. Cooper. "Hey, Coop!"

Gar: How close is this friend, anyways? If we're going to start naming our children after friends, they'd better be close friends. I don't know this Andrew guy. Hangin' with Mr. Cooper was an OK show, but I'm sure there's better names out there for us to choose that start with "C" if you want the initials C.C. for him. Besides, "CeCe" is a really girlie nickname for a guy. I'm not convinced our son should have anything like it.
Siobhan: His initials would be C.C. but he wouldn't be called that. If we can have a name that represents Garrett's son, why can't one name be my initials? As for Pharrell, we all know why this name has such a high seed. Yes, Garrett loves hip-hop music and probably would have been a D.J. but what about other future careers for our son? Being a music producer and making beats sounds like a great job, but how many musicians make it big in the music industry? I wouldn't want our son to be disappointed by his namesake when he tries out spinning tracks and can only find the Wiggles as clients. Let's stay with Cooper!
EDIT: Voting is now closed! Thanks everyone!
This week's match-ups are:
From the BIBLICAL region, 5 Hezekiah vs 12 Andrew.
From the VANILLA region, 5 Pharrell vs 12 Cooper
Gar: This week's match-ups are easy picks for me. While I do like the name Andrew (the name of one Jesus' disciples), I think it's way too common for Baby Chan. Hezekiah is much more original, and has a lot of good points - in the Bible, Hezekiah was one of the only "good kings", a strong leader who restored the people's faith. There's also a gospel singer I like named Hezekiah Walker. As for Pharrell versus Cooper, my pick is for Pharrell. Not only is Pharrell one-half of the super-producer duo The Neptunes (I'm a fan), "Cooper" to me is just another last name turned into a first name. Plus, the origin of the name isn't that good - a "cooper" was someone who made barrels for a living. Not exactly the future career I had in mind for my son...
Siobhan: My brother and sister went to high school when I was going to college. An ongoing joke is that they have an imaginary older sister who comes out during the holidays, aka a paid actress. To honor this ongoing joke, let's continue by naming our firstborn son after the friend, Andrew. As for the second match up, Cooper was suggested by a cousin. The initials for our son would then be C.C. which just so happens to be my nickname growing up. I also like the name from the television show, Hangin' with Mr. Cooper. "Hey, Coop!"

Gar: How close is this friend, anyways? If we're going to start naming our children after friends, they'd better be close friends. I don't know this Andrew guy. Hangin' with Mr. Cooper was an OK show, but I'm sure there's better names out there for us to choose that start with "C" if you want the initials C.C. for him. Besides, "CeCe" is a really girlie nickname for a guy. I'm not convinced our son should have anything like it.
Siobhan: His initials would be C.C. but he wouldn't be called that. If we can have a name that represents Garrett's son, why can't one name be my initials? As for Pharrell, we all know why this name has such a high seed. Yes, Garrett loves hip-hop music and probably would have been a D.J. but what about other future careers for our son? Being a music producer and making beats sounds like a great job, but how many musicians make it big in the music industry? I wouldn't want our son to be disappointed by his namesake when he tries out spinning tracks and can only find the Wiggles as clients. Let's stay with Cooper!
EDIT: Voting is now closed! Thanks everyone!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
8 Dante vs. 9 Kheiron; 8 Mateo vs. 9 Azul
The name bracket is coming along nicely. Ephraim wins 7-1 and Garrison shuts out Garvin, 8-0. The first shutout of the bracket!
Shiv: Looking at the match-ups, I am not sure how Azul got up so high in the International bracket. Maybe when we were seeding the names, it appealed more to me that day than now. Hmmm... I am having a hard time deciding which one to advocate for. Mateo is just a spin off of the familiar name, Matthew. Yes, we know many Matthews but how about Mateo? Kheiron is from Greek mythology: he was wounded accidentally by a poisoned arrow shot by Heracles and he was in such agony that he surrendered his immortality in order to die. Zeus placed him among the stars as the constellation Sagitarius. I am a Sagitarius!!!
Gar: Kheiron (also spelled Chiron) was the mythological centaur who was the wise mentor and teacher to heroes like Theseus, Achilles, Heracles, Jason, and Aeneas. Dante refers to the writer Dante Alighieri, writing of the Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso). While Dante is the more well-known of the two names and higher rank, I'd have to give the nod to Kheiron with points for originality. As for Mateo and Azul... well, "Azul" literally means "Blue". In this match, I think naming a boy "Blue" is maybe TOO original. I'll go with Mateo since there was a cool Filipino-Japanese dude I knew as a kid with the name.
Shiv: When I think about Azul, I think about Blue and then I think about the Blue song by Eiffel 65. I don't think I would want that as our son's theme song. Being blue and living in a blue world. Mateo would be the more sensible name choice in this bracket. As far as Dante, I am surprised that Garrett didn't hype up the name as much as he would. When I look at both names, I would prefer Dante because of the meaning, everlasting and enduring. I partner enduring with persevering, qualities that I would like in our son.
Gar: I'm not saying Dante is a bad name... just that Kheiron is a lot more awesome. The sound of "Kheiron Chan" just seems better than "Dante Chan". Besides, a common nickname for Dante is "Tay Tay". You want kids calling our son "Tay Tay"... it sounds a little bit too close to a nickname for the milk-making part of the female anatomy. Now, I'm not anti-breast. I'm OK with my son liking b00bs... I just don't want him to have a potential nickname that SOUNDS like a b00b.
Shiv: Looking at the match-ups, I am not sure how Azul got up so high in the International bracket. Maybe when we were seeding the names, it appealed more to me that day than now. Hmmm... I am having a hard time deciding which one to advocate for. Mateo is just a spin off of the familiar name, Matthew. Yes, we know many Matthews but how about Mateo? Kheiron is from Greek mythology: he was wounded accidentally by a poisoned arrow shot by Heracles and he was in such agony that he surrendered his immortality in order to die. Zeus placed him among the stars as the constellation Sagitarius. I am a Sagitarius!!!
Gar: Kheiron (also spelled Chiron) was the mythological centaur who was the wise mentor and teacher to heroes like Theseus, Achilles, Heracles, Jason, and Aeneas. Dante refers to the writer Dante Alighieri, writing of the Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso). While Dante is the more well-known of the two names and higher rank, I'd have to give the nod to Kheiron with points for originality. As for Mateo and Azul... well, "Azul" literally means "Blue". In this match, I think naming a boy "Blue" is maybe TOO original. I'll go with Mateo since there was a cool Filipino-Japanese dude I knew as a kid with the name.
Shiv: When I think about Azul, I think about Blue and then I think about the Blue song by Eiffel 65. I don't think I would want that as our son's theme song. Being blue and living in a blue world. Mateo would be the more sensible name choice in this bracket. As far as Dante, I am surprised that Garrett didn't hype up the name as much as he would. When I look at both names, I would prefer Dante because of the meaning, everlasting and enduring. I partner enduring with persevering, qualities that I would like in our son.
Gar: I'm not saying Dante is a bad name... just that Kheiron is a lot more awesome. The sound of "Kheiron Chan" just seems better than "Dante Chan". Besides, a common nickname for Dante is "Tay Tay". You want kids calling our son "Tay Tay"... it sounds a little bit too close to a nickname for the milk-making part of the female anatomy. Now, I'm not anti-breast. I'm OK with my son liking b00bs... I just don't want him to have a potential nickname that SOUNDS like a b00b.
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