Also, we had a couple of home repairs that needed to be done. The expansion tank on the water heater got a crack and needed to be replaced. We had to clean up the wet mess that it left on the floor at 6am in the morning! Then we found out that we had a crack in our heat exchanger of the furnace. We had to schedule some estimates before getting a new furnace. Garrett is waiting for the next repair. I'm glad that we can get it done during the summer and before baby girl comes. She'll be here this month! I can't believe I can say that!
Funny story: A couple of weeks ago, our daycare provider suggested that Gideon should wear a onesie tomorrow. I dressed him in a T-shirt and sweatpants. During nap time, Gideon took off his pants and diaper and left a poop in the pack and play. Sorry, Patty! The next day, I dressed Gideon in a onesie and pants. During naptime, Gideon took off his pants and his diaper. He pulled the diaper out of the onesie. While wearing the onesie still buttoned up, Gideon urinated. My mom says that he is ready for the potty but it has not happened again. Auntie Jaime just laughs every time I tell the story. Now it's on the blog!
Gideon loves to say letters and pretend to write the letters like us on his paper. Here is the "M" that he got correct. We are so proud. He has only done this twice.
Gideon hugging baby sister (really he is just hugging his mama!)
22 months and 1 week
This outfit is in in honor of baby girl name bracket. Can you guess what name he's representing? Also a shout-out to Miz H.!
22 months and 2 weeks
Also another shout out to Miz. H! It's a woot shirt that has elephants and giraffes being firefighters! Gideon did not want to take a photo. He showed me his foot!
22 months and 3 weeks
Gideon was holding two plastic balls that he likes to throw around the house. We tried to give him non-plastic balls to throw that don't make a lot of noise but he prefers these ones. He is pretending to eat them like a peach!
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