Saturday, March 12, 2011

Week 30 and almost crawling

Gideon is now seven months and one week old. He had a busy weekend with little sleep. I believe he wanted to be in his own bed and he was so excited with meeting people and attending a wedding. He is now back home and on his regular schedule. Woohoo! This week has passed another milestone, 3 poopie diapers in one week, since the newborn stage.

He has been eating more solids. He is eating rice cereal, apples, butternut squash, avocado and papaya. He is learning to like oat cereal, peas and sweet potatoes. His hair is getting in the way so we are pulling it back into a samurai knot, or a ponytail on the top of his head. He looks more and more like me.



Here is a close up of Gideon's hair and face. He was scooting towards me while I was taking photos. His hair is getting so long.

close up

The weekly photo, sweater vest and polo shirt.

Week 30

Video of Gideon moving forward his way. Thanks Mimi for the foam squares. Virgin America flight attendants didn't say anything when I brought them on board.

Baby G almost crawling from Gar on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. cc-- he does look like you when you were a baby.... hehehe cute!
