I have been a little behind on the blog post because it's march madness. Even though I did not make a bracket and I don't have a home team to cheer on, the games have been amazing. I like watching Butler play. You never know what will happen.
Gideon has been practicing his crawling skills. He cannot crawl but he can move from one place to another very quickly. He is motivated by musical items and the remote control. Garrett and I take out the batteries to let him push the buttons. He likes to roll around but favoring one side. So when he rolls towards the couch, he doesn't want or can't roll the other way. He just keeps trying to roll over the couch. He also bangs his head accidentally on the side of the crib because he is trying to roll over. I hope he figures it out soon, rolling the other way.
He has found the Monchichi backpack to be interesting, especially since we put the bag in his Bumbo. Gideon would crawl up to it and have a staring contest. Just today, Gideon found the strap to the bag. He was pulling on the strap with grunting. He didn't get the monchichi backpack, but it did make me chuckle.

The weekly picture has been a way to capture all of Gideon's outfits as he is growing bigger. He also wanted to hold onto the towel. He had a death grip on it. He looks taller in this week's picture. I swear he must have grown over night.

Gideon has been enjoying the eating of solid foods. He has been eating out of his booster chair. Thanks Auntie Carolyn! We try to eat next to him so that he is learning about family meal time. Right now, he loves the large rice cracker that he can hold and eat on his own. He gets mad when he can't find the rest of it. He holds it so tight that he eats the outer area and doesn't realize that he can let go of his fingers to see the rest. Solid foods that Gideon likes: avocado, papaya, pear, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, curry carrots and potatoes, cinnamon oatmeal, leeks, peas, chicken, corn bread and chinese steamed bread. Gideon gives a face when he eats bananas. He swallows it but he just has the face all the time. Next up, cauliflower and lentils.