Saturday, February 19, 2011

Week 27 and first haircut

Taking Gideon's picture with the lion has become a two man job. One person to take the picture and the other person to dance and sing around to get Gideon to look at the camera. He is getting so big and now he is looking older and older. This picture was taken pre-haircut. He is also wearing his new shoes, apple and pear shoes from Grandma Wong.

Week 27

So onto the first haircut. We gave him a bath first because his hair has accumulated dirt, dust and boogers. We wanted to keep a lock of his hair from the first haircut. Gideon did very well during the haircut while Papa meticulously used the scissors. Garrett has awesome skills!

Before hair cut

After first haircut

After first haircut


  1. Good job, papa Garrett, the haircut looks real good. He needs to suit up.........

  2. WOW! he looks like a different little man!! ;) you guys are so brave to do the cut!
