Just a couple of photos that I uploaded but didn't share yet. Last weekend, Gideon met Elmo for the first time. You can imagine what he was thinking about.
Also, Gideon met his friend, Noa, for the first time while awake. They are one day apart and both love to eat.
Gideon usually sleeps in a swaddle. On the 2 hour delay school day due to snow, Gideon took his morning nap at home rather than at daycare. He fell asleep before I could swaddle him. He slept like this for about 45 minutes. We found out that he naps at daycare without a swaddle and today, for the first time, he somehow rolled over from back to tummy during his nap to sleep. He is a tummy sleeper like his mom.
i want a photo album of ALL the photos of him in this hoodie... heheheh does it have any stains or holes yet?! ;) hehehe :)