Wednesday, March 31, 2010

first post - my first post ever!

Gar and I knew that we would jump on the bandwagon of family blogs because of two reasons, to share with our family who live outside of Washington and to be part of the "in" crowd.

After the millisecond that followed about our decision to start a blog, we had another decision to make: what will the blog name be? We wanted a blog that would be about our family and not just our baby boy. Gar wanted some name that had to do with transformers or robots or something masculine. I wanted a name that was unique and cute but also profound. Gar liked the blog name, but then I ruined it by singing the great song from Rent, "Seasons of love." He told me that the song made the blog name less appealing.

Anyways, the name is what it is and we are excited to share our stories along our adventures. Be on the lookout for our epic baby name bracket!


  1. Congratulations!

    "Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred moments so dear."

    "Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred journeys to plan."

    May you have countless precious moments with your new loved one.

    May his journey be filled with love.

    Daddy Wong

  2. Hey, I thought of that song too and I don't even like rent!

    Daddy Wong...soon to be Grandpa Wong!

  3. i know what song i'll be singing to Gar next time i see him.
