In the International District, a dance studio opened, The Beacon. On Saturday, January 11th, there was a free class for mini b-boys and b-girls. We quickly made the decision to wake up Gideon early from his nap to attend the class. Gideon loves to dance. I would like Gideon to have a variety of experiences.
Here is Gideon deep in slumber surrounded by his favorite stuffed animals.
45 minutes later....Here is Gideon ready to dance!
There were so many mini b-boys and b-girls in the class. This class is for kids from ages 2-5. Gideon was mostly excited to be around other kids. He was one of the younger kids there. They had to sit on the blue masking tape on the floor that made a rectangle. Gideon does not know shapes, line or masking tape, but Gideon was able to follow what the other kids did next to him for better or worse.
At the beginning and end of the class, each kid was able to dance in the middle of the rectangle/circle. Gideon really liked this part but he had a hard time waiting for his turn. He wanted to dance with every kid who went in the middle.
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Gideon learned how to dance and freeze. Just watch!
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