Hello family and friends,
Gideon is now 15 months old. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. Garrett and I were looking at pictures taken a year ago. Wow, Gideon has changed. At his 15 month appointment, we found that his head and length are around the 35th percentile. His weight has increased to the 67th percentile. He is 25 lbs. and 11.5 oz.
He gained five pounds in three months. He loves his food. Currently, his favorite foods are figs, hummus and crackers. He loves fresh and dried figs. I think he likes that they are sweet. I love them because of their dietary fiber. Yes, when he eats figs, he is more regular. Gideon loves to lick off the hummus from the cracker and ask for more.
Gideon is learning how to use a spoon to eat his yogurt and applesauce. These food items cannot stain and I'm ok with the mess, so far. He tries to pick up the applesauce with his fingers. Then he realizes that he can't get anything and so he uses the spoon. I think he still prefers his fingers.
Thank you to the Leung/Pierce cousins for his weekly outfit!

Gideon's Halloween costume. He was Tony the Tiger and Garrett was the cereal box. We used the ball pit as Gideon's bowl of cereal. They're grrreat!